舞蹈作品 Performances

《不死的祭禮》Au-delà du Temps

藉著一場「塵土的洗禮」來表達人在不同階段的際遇 : 人生是一埸幻象……曾經發生或從未發生的, 都在眼前一一掠過? 《不死的祭禮》是一場超越生命的祭禮。人生的歷程中, 總會憧憬未來, 緬懷過去…… 但若時間可逆轉, 又能否「回憶未來」? 時間真的只是一幕幕的幻象…… 透過與時間的對話, 觀照生命和時間, 尋找「永恆」的真正意義和價值。 Life as in cycles of the earth is pondered upon: Life seems to be an illusion…… What has happened, or what has never, flashes before our eyes. Au-delà du Temps is a contemporary Chinese dance about time and transcendence in life. Visions …

《板畫‧人生》Imprint of Life

天地間之動與靜、音與律 ; 時空間之交錯、去與留 , 穿梭於有形無形間 , 渲染人生春夏秋冬。一把油紙傘骨領你穿越時空,遊走於昔日與現今的國度;一段深情的奇遇,跳接著每個生命故事。讓思緒隨著變幻的音律⋯⋯漂流於奇幻的景緻中。 Between heaven and earth, dynamics and statics, sounds and rhythms all intertwine in different time and space to present movements and music for the four seasons of life. An oil-paper umbrella is going to whisk you across time and space – you will embark on the journey jumbled with past and present settings with a train of stories. Open your mind to the variations of notes and immerse yourself in the fantastic scenarios.

《天問》Beyond Fate

天之蒼蒼,歇其有極?誰知其命?命由天作,萬事分已定,仰天問何來﹗ In this universe, nobody can predict what will happen to us in the future. Fate seems to have controlled everything; but what if we could get rid of it and take control ourselves?

香港舞蹈博覽 Hong Kong Dance Expo

舞蹈名稱 : 回望 (2019) 往事如煙,歲月如流,回望過去,總有些事情令人難以忘懷。 Programme Name : Retrospection (2019) Time flies….. what happened may fade and vanish in time from our memories like mist at dawn. Yet recollection always brings up sweet fond memories we cherish…. 舞蹈名稱:天問 (2017) 天之蒼蒼,歇其有極?誰知其命?命由天作,萬事分已定,仰天問何來﹗ Beyond Fate (2017) In this universe, nobody can predict what will happen to us in …