Welcome to La P en V
La P en V 優之舞

La P en V 優之舞為非牟利舞蹈團體,以發揚中國舞為主,傳承藝術為理念,推動和發展舞蹈藝術,更匯聚中西文化,在中國傳統文化基礎上注入嶄新元素,以現代手法,創作和演繹富有香港文化特色的舞蹈。
La P en V Innovative Dance Platform is registered as a non-profit organization. It aims at the promotion of Chinese dance with high quality original works integrating the Chinese and western culture. We believe that unique and creative artistic values, coupled with traditional Chinese culture and presented in contemporary aesthetics styles, will help nurture a Chinese dance culture with unique local flavor.
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舞蹈作品 Performances
海外交流演出 Performances and exchanges overseas
聯絡我們 Contact Us
" 莊陳波先生為 La P en V 優之舞之藝術總監及編舞,畢業於香港演藝學院中國舞系。在學期間,曾出訪印度、菲律賓、日本及法國作舞蹈及文化交流。"

莊陳波 (藝術總監)
Chan Po Chong (Artistic Director)
Chan Po Chong (Artistic Director)